Stan Pawloski
Apr 12, 2021
Jacobs Racing Kennel’s Abbi’s Gusta Win has three wins and three seconds in his last six Grade AA starts for trainer Alisha Nichols.
Brad Boeckenstedt Kennel’s BGR Jared has won three out of her last four Grade AA races for trainer Frank Pellittere. Kennel-mate BGR Bigfoot has three straight 3/8 victories (TA, AA).
Steve Sarras Kennel’s Kells Xterra has two wins and two seconds in his last four Grade AA trips for trainer Barb Long.
Charter Kennel’s Barts Fire Away has two victories and two seconds in his last four Grade AA outings for trainer James Campbell.
Abrahamson Kennel’s Atascocita Birma has two wins and two seconds in her last four Grade AA starts for trainer Tom Engle.
Wayne Ward Kennel’s WW Little Lies has two victories and a second in her last three Grade AA races for trainer Ron Otto.
Lester Raines Kennel’s JS Slush Fund (AA), O Ya Sniper (B, A 3/8) and CTW Empress Elie (B, A) have back-to-back wins for trainer Joel Roden.
Blanchard Kennel’s Frappe has two straight Grade AA victories for trainer Sarah Blanchard.