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Wheeling Hot Dogs ( as of April 24, all races 5/16 unless otherwise noted )

Apr 24, 2023

Brad Boeckenstedt Kennel’s Smile N Mean It has five wins and a second in his last six 3/8 trips (TC, B, TA, TAA) for trainer Frank Pellittere.

Lester Raines Kennel’s JS Switchingears has four wins and two seconds in his last six Grade AA races for trainer Joel Roden. Kennel-mate JS Xtra Fancy has three straight Grade TAA 3/8 victories.

Blanchard Kennel’s Arkans TMC Athos has won three out of his last four Grade AA races for trainer Sarah Blanchard. Kennel-mate Arkans Lust has back-to-back wins (B, A).

Xtrem Begonia has two victories and two seconds in her last four Grade TAA 3/16 starts for trainer Jill Spicer.

Charter Kennel’s Cheater Slicks (AA), JSP Rayzendacash (A, AA) and JSP Game Changer (B, A) have back-to-back wins for trainer James Campbell.

Rangel Kennel’s VJ Full Of Grace has two straight 3/8 victories (TB, A) for trainer Alex Hall.

Imark Kennel’s Imark Flame has back-to-back wins (B, A) for trainer DiAnn Derr.

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